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GG, I like the gameplay and style. Music was really good. I did struggle to see some of the lighter coloured pellets but that may be a featre or because im horrifically colourblind.  Played through 6 levels. Never got to experience what happenes if the hoard gets you so I can't review the "game over" experience unfortunatly. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(1 edit)

Sorry its only one randomly generated level. Its not balanced atm. This isn't a fully playable demo. Just prototyping features. So there are improvements in gameplay and balance to be made.

Thanks heaps for playing and for the feedback !

No need to  apologise. Tbh this is better and more finished than some steam games. 

WORTH! can't wait to see the next version with the compass you had planned :D -A


Thanks !! 

I quickly put together a 640 x 360 webgl build last night, hence why the overlay text isn't the right size. Just fixed that.